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Dream Life in Paris

Questions explained agreeable preferred strangers too him her son. Set put shyness offices his females him distant.

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Colors Workshop – September 13-th

Exploring Colours and Creativity with Maria

This creative workshop is designed to enhance participants' understanding of colour theory, cultural perceptions of colour, and innovative thinking through interactive exercises. Participants will engage in activities that challenge their creativity and encourage out-of-the-box thinking, with a focus on the psychological and contextual significance of colours.

STEAM Development Methodology in Education / Office and Home with Gary

This ‘short course’ will introduce STEAM methodology as a development tool for use in education, personal and team development and for use with your own family members. The course is more than 70% hands on, practical and practice and will be dynamic with the aim to engage and answer questions facilitating your understanding and use of these tools after the course. Competency leads to Confidence and Credibility, things important to us all. This is a course for those who care about their own development and the development of others.




Maria Burgelova

Maria Burgelova

More By US
Maria is the Creative Director at More By Us and the driving force behind the award-winning studio. Her career began in 1998 in sports marketing. In 2008, she returned to university to study design and has been working in this field ever since.
Gary Rowlands

Gary Rowlands

Steam Powered Team
Gary has been directly involved in competency based development for more than 45 years. Mostly in the UK military and later UK police forces. For the past seven years Gary has been delivering STEAM ( Science Technology Engineering, Art and Maths ) teacher mentoring courses in schools throughout Bulgaria and together with the team provide architectural design services and consultation to schools as they move towards STE(A)M.


The Creative Institute’s mission is to build a global community for all creative professionals. We aim to unlock the creative potential in everyone, regardless of their profession, and enable all pursuits of happiness. 

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